Thursday, 21 May 2009

Things Are Forbidden Makes People Want Those Things All The More

There are many things are forbidden from us, whether it is because of religion, customs or the law. In every society the things that are forbidden are known, and something might be forbidden in a place while it is completely normal in somewhere else.

When, certain things are being forbidden some problems come along with them. The reason behind this is when something is forbidden people have more desire for it. It is like a nature of human beings. When, they know that they can't do something or we are not allowed to do something we get really curious about it. Sometimes, people don't have a control over this curiosity, and they might be thinking what if we tried to do it just for once and see what it is like, so that we won't be curious anymore.

For example, drugs like marijuana and alcohol that might be forbidden in some societies because of or religious reasons, or maybe something like cigarettes especially when, you are young, and your parents don't allow you to smoke. It is a completely natural result for people to want to try them whether they like it or they are just curious, but the issue with things like marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes is that when people start doing them it will be a little bit hard to quit these habits. So, we have to believe that human beings are rational, and they know that when some things are forbidden there is a reason behind, and it is usually because they are bad.

In conclusion, it is true that forbidden things are usually wanted, and people have more desire for them, but at the same time people are rational, and they have to have control over themselves and not to do things that they know are bad just out of curiosity.

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