Sunday, 31 May 2009

IM Universal Language

Menand said, "Texting has accelerated tendancy toward the Englishing of world languages. First, explain in your own words the meaning of this sentence. Then respond to the following assertion by Menand: "texting has probably done some damages to the plant's cultural ecology, to lingo Diversity. People are better able to communicate across national borders, but at some cost to variation."

In this article, Menand mean that phone messages and instant messages are increased, so textures are more likely tend to write their texts in English due to the simplicity of this language.

I’m surprised when I wanted to talk with a new (online friend) when I just understood his “hello”. It’s a fact that my English is not very well, but yet I can speak in English or at least I can understand it. However, I couldn’t understand English when I was speaking on net because they use so many strange abbreviations that I’ve never seen them before. Text messaging is one of the most common net activities. Once you want to talk and interact with people on the internet, you’ll face this strange words “lol, brb, bf , gf and many others”. They are easy to remember once you practiced them. People call it IM language. This IM language seems to be the first universal language men have ever created. Yet this language has some bad effects on our daily life.

First, it reduces using a local language or your mother tongue when you are not an English speaker. Learning English is important for toady but not that funny English that never helps anyone in the formal occasions. IM doesn’t help us to learn English correctly or learn correct English at least. Because of this reason IM messaging could be a bad process of using English language as well as disusing native languages.

Second, using IM symbols leads to create inhomogeneous language, because every group on net tend to create their own abbreviation and language. You’ll believe it when you go online and see you can’t understand many of them, because they are updated or personal. This abundance leads to not creating nice atmosphere by confusing people about using language. It causes a bad result when people decide to create their language group because language is not an easy case for people to create. This confusion also leads new English learners to frustrate about learning English because they can’t get a little of it while they try very hard to understand and speak by it. Confusion could be a great damage which IM creates it.

Third, it reduces the beauty of language. One aspect of using language is how to use it literary. When you poetic language, you’ll be amazed directly. When you hear about intellectual language, you’ll admire how words can explain such things. With IM, the beauty of these using would be zero. Everything that you should know about language in IM era is just a few abbreviations and words that people update it and change it daily. Tendency toward digging deep into language will be less and less. Literature will lose its delighted face. IM leads people to forget about them. The problem is, with progressing techniques of communications this phenomena takes a progressive face.

Yet using IM has some advantages like efficiency of using language. Languages especially English always tends to create a better and faster way to communicate with each other. With IM English found a path to create it. When we see this creation is used universally, we know about its advantages because at last language is basically created to help people to communicate. The more efficient they can do it, the more advantage they can get from using it. In this case IM is very useful for helping us to create all over the world. Just like McDonalds and Subway which provide fast food universally, the global army which protects the world’s safety and the organization which asks for nation’s rights, we need an easy language which people can understand it without much difficulty. With IM this dream could be true. It’s not just exaggeration when we experience it.

In conclusion, IM as the other inventions in the world has some positive and negative aspects. In my point of view its bad aspects are much more than it’s good. Like it helps us to create –or to find a path- a universal language but it reduced the beauty of language as well as reducing tendency toward the correct form of a formal and useful language. Furthermore, IM most of the times is personal or belongs to a specific type of groups online, when they agree to use a new model of significant abbreviations. This universal language is not a proper one as I think because even if at last we could create a language, we create a very weak one which at last we’ll return to our native immediately.

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