Sunday 21 June 2009

My Mother

Generally, women are more patient than men with their children. I have to say my mother is everything in my life and I am ready to do anything that makes her happy. People who saw and behaved with my mother they love her. About me, all I have in my life it’s hers. When I born, my mother took care of me and looked for everything that made me happy. After five years of my born, my father got married with another woman and left us. My mother took all of the responsibilities instead of my father. She became housewife and she also worked outside to get money for us. She is very merciful with us. The economic situation in our country at that time was very bad and also Sadam Hussain wanted to make Kurdistan like a hell. In 1991, they killed my brother. When my brother was killed, my mother became very sad. Just because of us, she wanted to continue with their responsibilities. My mother made me think about my future and study hard to have a degree in a good field. She taught me how to behave with people and respect them. Also I learn everything about my culture from my mother. When I remember her I see her kindness and merciful. One day I will make her hobby to become true. I will be a businessman or a politician that I can serve her country. I cannot find a word that describes my mother in her goodness. I don’t have more to say, but I wish your hobbies become true and the best things for you.

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