Thursday 4 June 2009

Physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Do you agree with this statement or not? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Physical exercise are very helpful things in the process of education. They are a way for people to live in peace. In my opinion, physical exercise should be a required part of every school day because it helps students to do practically what they have learned in the class, and it helps them

to have a good behave with people, lose weight, and be healthy.

Sometimes, our teachers give us some information about subjects, but we aren't understanding everything about these subjects until we do physical exercise by ourselves. Physical exercise make you think deeply and faster than the normal way about the subject. For example, when I was at high school, one of my teachers gave us a lecture about playing voleyball, but I didn't understand how to play and the rules of the game exactly. After that, I played volleyball, and I understood everything about it.

Physical exercise make people relax, lose weight, and healthy . People who are doing physical exercise, have nice body, and they are very calm and quiet with other people. They learn how to fight for things peacefully. This makes them behave good with people. The researchers found that people who are doing Physical exercise, live longer than the people who don't. For instance,three years ago, I was at high school. My weight was about 90 killos, and I was very with other people because I didn't do any practises. But right now, I am doing a lot of physical exercise. Doing physical exercise make me another person. I lost 10 killos of my weight. I behave better, and feel healthier than I was.

All in all, Physical exercise are a good way for people to learn things. They make people behave better with together. They make them lose weight and be healthy.

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