Sunday 21 June 2009

Although most people don’t agree with the statement that says people should be free to do what they want, whenever they want, as long as they don’t physically harm anyone else in the process, I agree with it because of three reasons.
People should have a freedom to do what they want. Everyone has the right to say what he\she wants or thinks. Quran says everyone was born with freedom, and they should have it until the day they are dying. You don’t see the happiness in your life if you don’t have the freedom.
Forbidding people from doing things that they like or they think make them do these things all the more. Sometimes, you don’t know what are the advantages of forbidding you to do or try something. But when you try it you will know everything about it. For instance, when I was fifteen years old, my mother didn’t allow me to drink alcohol. That makes me had more desire for drinking alcohol. I thought it’s a good thing to try it, but unfortunately it wasn’t.
If we don’t have a freedom to say what we want, we can’t improve ourselves. No one knows our skills and talents, and what we are able to do for our country and community. For example, we want to have a democratic government in our country, but we are not allowed to say anything bad about the government. The government will not help to show your skills and talents if you don’t have relatives in the government. I think if they continue with forbidding people to say what they want, the government will not change.
In conclusion, people were born with freedom, and they should have it. It’s not a good idea to forbid people from doing things because we are making them trying these things all the more, and we need improvement in every field in our life.
Although, Rescue Dawn and Showshank Redemption are both about men in the prison and they want to escape, the Rescue Dawn is more interesting because it talkes about the war. The story of Rescue Dawn is about a pilot who has a secret mission from the USA Army. They send him to Vietnam. He fall down in the Vietnamese land, and the Vietnamese caught him. After, they caught him, they got him in the jail. In the jail, he saw two American people and two Asian people. They have a problem which is hungry. Vietnamese soldiers are very strict with them, and they didn't give them enough food. They put handcuffs in their hands and legs every night. They plan to escape. They made a key to open handcuffs. They cut the lawn of the prison, and they went to kitchen. They take two guns, and they escape. They went to the forest, and they wait for a helicopter to rescue them, but the helicopters don't know who they are, and they didn't rescue them. The farmers kill his friend because he was American. He went back to the forest. One day, the helicopter came and rescued him. After he came back two CIA guys wanted to brain wash him, but his friends saved him and took him back to the ship. However, Shawshank Redemption is about an innocent man whom they put him in jail because they think he killed his wife. In the jail, he became the head of the library. He faced many troubles inside the prison with the prisoners and got hit several times at first. But then he became friend with most of them and helped them. The warden of the prison killed young friend of him, because his friend knew that he was innocent. He wanted to escape from the jail, so he tried to find a way. He told his friend Red to buy a hammer for him, so he can make a way for escaping. After ten years of digging, he made a hole from the jail to outside. And he escaped from it.

My Mother

Generally, women are more patient than men with their children. I have to say my mother is everything in my life and I am ready to do anything that makes her happy. People who saw and behaved with my mother they love her. About me, all I have in my life it’s hers. When I born, my mother took care of me and looked for everything that made me happy. After five years of my born, my father got married with another woman and left us. My mother took all of the responsibilities instead of my father. She became housewife and she also worked outside to get money for us. She is very merciful with us. The economic situation in our country at that time was very bad and also Sadam Hussain wanted to make Kurdistan like a hell. In 1991, they killed my brother. When my brother was killed, my mother became very sad. Just because of us, she wanted to continue with their responsibilities. My mother made me think about my future and study hard to have a degree in a good field. She taught me how to behave with people and respect them. Also I learn everything about my culture from my mother. When I remember her I see her kindness and merciful. One day I will make her hobby to become true. I will be a businessman or a politician that I can serve her country. I cannot find a word that describes my mother in her goodness. I don’t have more to say, but I wish your hobbies become true and the best things for you.

The Most Memorable Vacation I Ever Took was to Syria

Two years ago, I and some of my friends planned to go on a vacation to give our mind some rest after studying hard for the sixth class at high school. First, we had to make preparations for the trip, where we wanted to go, and how long the vacation will take. We discussed the plan, and we decided to choose Syria as a place that we wanted to go on a vacation. We chose the Azmar airline to be our airline to fly to Syria, and we also made a reservation at one of the newest hotels in Syria. After two days, we called the Azmar airline, and they gave us the time of the flight. When we came to Sulaimani, they said that “the weather is very bad, and we can’t fly today”. We had to stay in Sulaimani that night. We stayed at the Assos Hotel, and we were waiting for sunrise to go. Next day, we flew to Syria.

Our flight took three hours. By the time, we arrived at the airport, there was a taxi that was waiting us, and we went to the hotel. The hotel was 22 km away from the airport and took us 40 minutes to reach it. When we arrived at the hotel, we were so tired, and we slept straight away. The hotel was in one of the most amazing places on the Red Sea in Lattakia. We had a suite with three beds, and it had a sea side. Our room was high- technology with remote control for lighting, music, TV, and air conditioning. The panoramic view of the surroundings from the hotel was mind blowing. The location of the hotel was astonishing for tourists in terms of entertainment and sightseeing. Every night, we went to the party in the club at the hotel. It was nice, and we learned Arabic dancing. We had many fishing tours in our vacation. When we were there, most of the time we ate food at different kinds of restaurants of foreign countries. We met foreign people, and it was helpful to know more about other cultures. We used the swimming pool for doing our daily exercises. After two weeks, we went to Halab city that is the biggest Kurdish city in Syria. We visited the Hamidiah bazaar that is the most popular bazaar in Syria. We saw the parts of that bazaar, and every part had its specialty. We bought everything that we wanted. The day after, we went back to sulaimani.

In conclusion, being outside of your country means a lot. Regarding to the familiarity to the other cultures and see the world outside your country. By this trip to Syria, I have learnt a lot of how to adapt for new environments and interact with foreigners. This trip fed me up in terms of hotels, traditional bazaars, moles, and night clubs.

Thursday 4 June 2009

Physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Do you agree with this statement or not? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Physical exercise are very helpful things in the process of education. They are a way for people to live in peace. In my opinion, physical exercise should be a required part of every school day because it helps students to do practically what they have learned in the class, and it helps them

to have a good behave with people, lose weight, and be healthy.

Sometimes, our teachers give us some information about subjects, but we aren't understanding everything about these subjects until we do physical exercise by ourselves. Physical exercise make you think deeply and faster than the normal way about the subject. For example, when I was at high school, one of my teachers gave us a lecture about playing voleyball, but I didn't understand how to play and the rules of the game exactly. After that, I played volleyball, and I understood everything about it.

Physical exercise make people relax, lose weight, and healthy . People who are doing physical exercise, have nice body, and they are very calm and quiet with other people. They learn how to fight for things peacefully. This makes them behave good with people. The researchers found that people who are doing Physical exercise, live longer than the people who don't. For instance,three years ago, I was at high school. My weight was about 90 killos, and I was very with other people because I didn't do any practises. But right now, I am doing a lot of physical exercise. Doing physical exercise make me another person. I lost 10 killos of my weight. I behave better, and feel healthier than I was.

All in all, Physical exercise are a good way for people to learn things. They make people behave better with together. They make them lose weight and be healthy.

Sunday 31 May 2009

IM Universal Language

Menand said, "Texting has accelerated tendancy toward the Englishing of world languages. First, explain in your own words the meaning of this sentence. Then respond to the following assertion by Menand: "texting has probably done some damages to the plant's cultural ecology, to lingo Diversity. People are better able to communicate across national borders, but at some cost to variation."

In this article, Menand mean that phone messages and instant messages are increased, so textures are more likely tend to write their texts in English due to the simplicity of this language.

I’m surprised when I wanted to talk with a new (online friend) when I just understood his “hello”. It’s a fact that my English is not very well, but yet I can speak in English or at least I can understand it. However, I couldn’t understand English when I was speaking on net because they use so many strange abbreviations that I’ve never seen them before. Text messaging is one of the most common net activities. Once you want to talk and interact with people on the internet, you’ll face this strange words “lol, brb, bf , gf and many others”. They are easy to remember once you practiced them. People call it IM language. This IM language seems to be the first universal language men have ever created. Yet this language has some bad effects on our daily life.

First, it reduces using a local language or your mother tongue when you are not an English speaker. Learning English is important for toady but not that funny English that never helps anyone in the formal occasions. IM doesn’t help us to learn English correctly or learn correct English at least. Because of this reason IM messaging could be a bad process of using English language as well as disusing native languages.

Second, using IM symbols leads to create inhomogeneous language, because every group on net tend to create their own abbreviation and language. You’ll believe it when you go online and see you can’t understand many of them, because they are updated or personal. This abundance leads to not creating nice atmosphere by confusing people about using language. It causes a bad result when people decide to create their language group because language is not an easy case for people to create. This confusion also leads new English learners to frustrate about learning English because they can’t get a little of it while they try very hard to understand and speak by it. Confusion could be a great damage which IM creates it.

Third, it reduces the beauty of language. One aspect of using language is how to use it literary. When you poetic language, you’ll be amazed directly. When you hear about intellectual language, you’ll admire how words can explain such things. With IM, the beauty of these using would be zero. Everything that you should know about language in IM era is just a few abbreviations and words that people update it and change it daily. Tendency toward digging deep into language will be less and less. Literature will lose its delighted face. IM leads people to forget about them. The problem is, with progressing techniques of communications this phenomena takes a progressive face.

Yet using IM has some advantages like efficiency of using language. Languages especially English always tends to create a better and faster way to communicate with each other. With IM English found a path to create it. When we see this creation is used universally, we know about its advantages because at last language is basically created to help people to communicate. The more efficient they can do it, the more advantage they can get from using it. In this case IM is very useful for helping us to create all over the world. Just like McDonalds and Subway which provide fast food universally, the global army which protects the world’s safety and the organization which asks for nation’s rights, we need an easy language which people can understand it without much difficulty. With IM this dream could be true. It’s not just exaggeration when we experience it.

In conclusion, IM as the other inventions in the world has some positive and negative aspects. In my point of view its bad aspects are much more than it’s good. Like it helps us to create –or to find a path- a universal language but it reduced the beauty of language as well as reducing tendency toward the correct form of a formal and useful language. Furthermore, IM most of the times is personal or belongs to a specific type of groups online, when they agree to use a new model of significant abbreviations. This universal language is not a proper one as I think because even if at last we could create a language, we create a very weak one which at last we’ll return to our native immediately.

Monday 25 May 2009


Polygamy is a system of marriage which is allows a man to have more than one wife in a time. In many countries polygamy prohibited like Western countries and Europe, but in the Middle East polygamy is allowed. Most of the women have an opposite idea about polygamy, and they say that it is unfair for men to have more than one wife, while women are not allowed to have more than one husband. Polygamy prevents girls not to live immoral life or prevents them from being prostitutes. Although, Islam allowed polygamy, many other religions refused and restricted it. Polygamy is not an obligation. It is optional. A man can marry more than one wife in some circumstances, but without using force. For instance, if a woman has an illness for along time or she can't have a baby, the husband can remarry again. There are many conditions to have more than one wife. First, the husband should spent equal time with all of the wives in the house. Second, he should look after all the wives and their children and maintain good relationship with all of them.

Why are men allowed to have more than one wife, but women are not. If a man has more than one wife, and he has sex with all of them, after, the wives get pregnant, and they give birth. The children would know their mother. But, if a woman has more than one husband, and she has sex with all of the husbands, after she gets pregnant, and she gives birth. The children wouldn't know their children. Polygamy exists in Kurdistan. Some people don't agree with it especially women. People who don't agree with polygamy want to prohibit it because they think polygamy is the way to persuade women. Due to the reason that is most of the people in my country are Muslims, and they accept polygamy. They think it solves many social and domestic problems. In our country, we always have wars and enmity between tribes. We have many women who lost their husbands. Women who lost their husbands can't earn enough money for their children, so they have to work. They become prostitutes, and they sell their body for sex, in order to earn money or they persuade their small children to work. They work as a servant because they don't have a house to live in, and someone to protect them. However, polygamy have some problems. Men can't earn money for all the wives or the wives can't live together.

In conclusion, polygamy is a legal rule in Islam. It solves many problems, but sometimes, it makes some problems.